
The Americas 2013

A Motorcycle Diary

25 July 2013

25 Jul

I woke up with the mother of all hangovers this morning (courtesy of the Basset family) so the idea of an early departure to New Hazelton got shelved in favour of some myprodols, a litre of water and another hour of sleep followed by some greasy fried eggs, toast and coffee!!

 Days ride

Days ride…


Finally hit the road by 9am for a shortish 440km run through more beautiful British Columbia and finally got to my destination by about 2pm. It was a short afternoon and early evening thereafter.



The start of the dirt roads….


Be a sport Many of us have the means and wherewithal to undertake the dreams we want but elect to choose otherwise, many however, do not and that is the purpose of this plea. Afrika Tikkun (http://afrikatikkun.org// ) is a South African non governmental, non profit charity organisation run by the Lubner family that in essence does just that; re-provide the possibility to dream and to create the possibility of turning those dreams into a reality.

Unlike many pleas of this nature, I am not looking for any kind of sponsorship for my trip, but I am looking for your donation, regardless of its size to Afrika Tikkun. Please pledge generously as this is a fantastic cause that will assist them to provide food, care, education, health and social services to those that are desperately in need.

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  1. Pete

    July 27, 2013 at 5:07 am

    You must be almost in your seventh heaven–the diversity and beauty must be awesome–need always to share with someone–pity Jacks is bum/sight tired !! Take care enjoy but remember Bears can come out of nowhere .–go well

  2. Jackal

    August 8, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    great pics, really jealous. greetings from the holy land