
The Americas 2013

A Motorcycle Diary

10 August 2013

10 Aug

I finally woke up at about 10h30 after the last two long riding days and stumbled out of bed feeling like I was hit by a baseball bat but nothing that a shower, a bacon and egg sandwich from the neighbouring greasy spoon and a gallon of coffee couldn’t fix!

Days ride

My days ride to Edmonton…

Today I did the final 1000km ride from Fort Nelson to Edmonton and once again I got into Edmonton long after dark and around 23h00 because I went through a time change and also because I am quite a bit further south, sunset is taking place earlier and earlier. I made almost no stops today because I am catching a very early flight tomorrow morning to Juneau so I have no pics whatsoever however, Jax went to Admiralty island today and had some incredible encounters with bears.






Be a sport Many of us have the means and wherewithal to undertake the dreams we want but elect to choose otherwise, many however, do not and that is the purpose of this plea. Afrika Tikkun (http://afrikatikkun.org// ) is a South African non governmental, non profit charity organisation run by the Lubner family that in essence does just that; re-provide the possibility to dream and to create the possibility of turning those dreams into a reality.

Unlike many pleas of this nature, I am not looking for any kind of sponsorship for my trip, but I am looking for your donation, regardless of its size to Afrika Tikkun. Please pledge generously as this is a fantastic cause that will assist them to provide food, care, education, health and social services to those that are desperately in need.

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